A tool that promotes the impact and value design has on
the world

UI/UX Design
Brand Identity
Design Research

Emerging Designers



Design is all around us. It is in the roads we travel and the apps we use, but the thing about design is that not being recognized as a designed “thing” is what makes it good. People know that having something designed well is important, but it is still not something people are always willing to pay for. Voucher aims to not only make design pricing more transparent and accessible, but also explain the impact and value design has on the world. Voucher is a website that includes multiple resources to make it easier for designers to price their services and for non designers to learn about the value of design. This site includes a pricing calculator, a forum, and a list of design services and their value.
*Click here for a deeper look into this project



Homepage and Profile Page (Click to Explore)

Pricing Calculator and Finished Voucher (Click to Explore)

Forum Tab (Click to Explore)

Services Tab (Click to Explore)

Sponsored Instagram Ad

Bus Ad

Sponsored Instagram Story


Brand Decisions

This is the homepage for the Voucher website


The name Voucher came from two fundamental ideas. The first is that a voucher is a type of receipt which is something users receive from this site. The second is that to vouch means you are giving meaning back to something. Through this site, design services are being vouched for through the value they provide. Within the logo, I took the V in voucher and made the top part include elements of a receipt. On the left hand side is the zig zag of the bottom of a receipt and on the right is the folded corner.

I chose to use black and white photography for this brand system to counterbalance the bright colors. While I felt like this branding was very fun and uplifting, I still wanted it to come across as professional, so the photography style works to create that. Additionally, I wanted to uses images of items that people interact with on a daily basis that are designed, but people might not know they are designed. This is why I chose images of street signs, newspapers, and app interfaces.

Graphic Elements
The sticker like elements that are peppered across the site and ads are a call to action for the site. Each sticker has the voucher logo, the url, and the tagline “made by a graphic designer.” These stickers are placed on things that are designed, but people might not notice that they are. The point of these stickers is to draw attention to the site and also to inform non designers of just how much value designers add to their everyday life.





Logo Exploration and Wireframing


Victoria's Secret

